Monday 18 June 2012

Good humour sells

People like original comical things. In general humour sells, as long as it is not overdone.
Research new trends, and come up with original or at least not overdone ideas.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

It is harder than you think

I have not checked in in awhile, but there have been times when I have slipped off track. I find that I can justify spending of it is for business even if I should not. I have to remind myself to sell what you have first before buying new things to sell, at least list it all for sale. I need to keep reminding myself not to fall into the trap of consumerism it is especially hard when it comes to crafts

Wednesday 7 March 2012

2 months in

I am doing pretty well so far. I slide a bit cause I got really busy and tired so I had a few energy drinks. I also had to buy practical shoes for my new job and a few articles of clothing, but other than that I have been pretty spend free.

Although I have to be careful not get obsessed with saving haha. Thought that might not be so bad

Friday 6 January 2012

It is freezing

This whole process is freeing in more ways than I thought. Btw the title of my blog was suppose to be freeing. I use to look at items everytime I went into the post office in shoppers, now that I know I am not going to look for anything or buy anything, I can walk in and out. I feel more free and I don't feel as though I am wanting for anything.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

New Year's Resolution - Less Consumerism

I always have new year's resolutions.  Always the eat healthy and exercise more.   But this year I want to reduce my consumerism.   I want to reduce spending and expand my creativeness!

My husband's Motto:  "It's not what it is, it is what it could be!"

Some of the benefits:
- Save LOTS of Money
- Forces me to be creative
- Forces me to be more organized
- Use up items we have around the house
- Reduces my impulsivity
- Less WASTE
- Less stuff = less organization or clutter

- Food (Obviously)  But this does not include junk or fast food, I really should cut back anyway
- Toiletries and medicines
- Supplies needed to complete CUSTOM orders

The Plan:
- Excel Spreadsheet to track savings
- Get organized first- organize everything so you know what you have on hand